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There are many different perspectives about God. But what happens when we move from people's thoughts about God to the truth of Who God says He is?
We find out God is a loving, kind, generous and holy being. God is love, and we love Him because He first loved us. He continues to show us unconditional and amazing love and we love to love Him right back.
Each person of every color, language, and country is uniquely created by a loving God, which means every human being is needed, wanted and welcomed! So, we love our precious fellow human beings and seek to serve and be a blessing to everyone around us.
Reminder: You are not an accident, but an expression of God's love, beauty and purpose!
Pastor James Nylander has been serving our congregation since December 2009 after the Lord called him out of the corporate world and eventually lead him into full-time ministry.
Pastor James was formerly a Marriage, Family, Child and Individual Therapist helping people deal with traumatic situations and obstacles in their lives. He would eventually transition into Information Technology and Telephony (PBX telephone systems).
Pastor James has a passion to see people encounter the living God. He desires that everyone would learn how greatly loved they are, have a beautiful relationship with Jesus Christ, experience healing in any areas they need healing and then to become God's loving and positive change agents in a world that is in need of hope and the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Come and meet him. He loves meeting new people and he will probably want to say a wonderful prayer of blessing over you, if you're open to being blessed.
God is amazing! He is loving, kind, generous and holy. He is not malicious or mean. There is no bad or evil in Him at all. He is ALL good, which is known as "Holy." God has standards, which is why He died on the cross for us and the cross is such a powerful message of His grace, mercy, love and righteousness.
Christians believe in ONE God. We are known as monotheists. What is not comprehensible by us yet accepted by faith is that God is One Being yet three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Why did God come to earth and have to die on a cross? Because we did wrong. We broke God's heart, His rules and hurt others too. We really messed things up. It was so bad that we cut ourselves off from God without the possibility of us ever being able to repair the damage in any way; not even able to repair things through doing good works or even changing our bad behaviors. But because God loves us so much, He was willing to make all the repairs and pay the price Himself for all that we had done wrong. So, He came into this world to pay the penalty for what we had done wrong and to re-establish a forever relationship with those who seek to follow Him.
The Bible is God's love letter to us and is the only genuine and accurate source of God's revelation to us. It tells us all about Who God is, who we are and how we can live the blessed life that He has for us. The Bible is complete in and of itself, unchanging and is applicable for all times in all matters concerning faith and life,
We were created for love and fellowship with God and one another. We blew it. We chose wrong over right. We tried to take control rather than be lovingly guided and so now we are in a predicament but God has provided the solution for our healing through the cross of Jesus. We are called to love God and people. If we call ourselves followers of Jesus and do not love others, the Bible says we are not true followers of Jesus.
Simply stated: we love all people.
Sin is anything that is wrong. The sin (evil) that came into the world is because we have unfortunately chosen it, allow it and frequently may even perpetuate it.
ANYONE and EVERYONE who wants to know God, be loved by others and learn how we can be changed for the better by the good news and truth of Jesus Christ as found in the Holy Bible.
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